Keeping Pets Cool during the Balmy Summer Months

My husband and I live in the beautiful southern United States. While we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, we sometimes get excruciatingly hot during the summer months. We aren’t the only ones that get hot at our home though. Our beautiful dog Lucy also gets hot. I’m constantly searching for effective ways to keep her cool while she’s outside. And during the winter, it can get oddly cold at times. Do you have loving pets at home? Consider purchasing a small plastic pool for your pets to splash around in. And when it's cold, make sure to monitor them very carefully while outside. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you care for your pets during any extreme weather.

Establish A Care Routine For Your New Dog

Pets & Animals Blog

If you have fallen in love with a long-haired adult dog that is currently being housed at a local humane society and have chosen to adopt the pooch, one of your duties as a new pet owner will be to ensure that your furry friend receives regular grooming sessions. Prepare for the transition of your newly-adopted animal friend and establish a care routine.

Acquire History

Knowing a little bit about your new pet's past will help you determine how to provide the care that your dog needs. A clinician who is employed at the humane society can provide you with a rundown of any allergies that your pet has and can fill you in with details pertaining to the previous owners if the dog was brought to the shelter by them.

If the owners were consistent caregivers and had to give their pet up due to an illness or move to another state, they may have provided some information about the groomer who previously maintained the appearance of your pet's coat and any underlying skin issues that may have affected how frequently grooming sessions were implemented.

Start Out Slowly

Your pet needs to grow accustomed to the changes in their living arrangement before you can even begin to think about introducing some grooming techniques. Learn how your dog responds to certain stimuli that is presented to them and try to interact with your pet as much as possible. Being a constant figure in your new pet's life will help build your pet's trust.

This trust is essential when it comes time to give your dog their first bath. After your pet has lived with you for a while, introduce bath time to them. Start out slowly by adding a small amount of warm water to a portable basin.

Pick up your dog and gently set them down inside of the basin. Use a mild shampoo to clean your pet's fur. Keep the bathing session short so that your dog does not become alarmed. After drying your dog off, comb their fur.

Visit A Groomer

Professional grooming sessions will revitalize your pet's coat and provide it with a glossy sheen. Knotted up fur or strands that are matted together will be eliminated and you can even request that your pet receives a stylish haircut.

On the day of the grooming appointment, request to stay inside of the room where your pet will receive the treatments. Speak softly to your pet and award them with praise to prompt your dog to remain calm. After the initial appointment, plan on scheduling appointments every couple or few months so that your pet receives the dog grooming needed.


23 July 2018