Keeping Pets Cool during the Balmy Summer Months

My husband and I live in the beautiful southern United States. While we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, we sometimes get excruciatingly hot during the summer months. We aren’t the only ones that get hot at our home though. Our beautiful dog Lucy also gets hot. I’m constantly searching for effective ways to keep her cool while she’s outside. And during the winter, it can get oddly cold at times. Do you have loving pets at home? Consider purchasing a small plastic pool for your pets to splash around in. And when it's cold, make sure to monitor them very carefully while outside. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you care for your pets during any extreme weather.

3 Tips To Reduce Stress For A Nervous Dog Visiting A Vet

Pets & Animals Blog

Since bringing your pet to the vet for routine wellness exams is an essential part of pet ownership, you'll want to make these visits easy. If your dog gets nervous in new environments and you're concerned about how they will behave at the vet's office, you'll need to take some precautions.

Instead of putting your dog into a stressful environment without planning the visit first, you can have an easier experience for everyone with the following tips in mind.

Discuss Calming Aids

If your dog gets nervous at the vet, it could be worth the effort to use a calming aid. Instead of your dog being exposed to an unfamiliar setting without anything to comfort them, consider some options for calming your dog.

Calming aids can include anything from treats that reduce tension to collars that contain pheromones to alleviate anxiety. By including some of these calming aids in your plans for a visit to the vet, you can increase the chance of the visit being as stress-free as possible.

Schedule the Visit 

While your vet may accept walk-ins without any notification before the visit, this can lead to more stress for your dog. By coming into the clinic randomly, there's the chance that the vet is busy and that your dog will be waiting a long time to be seen.

When you schedule a visit to come in, you can carefully choose a time and date that has fewer clients. A vet clinic with fewer clients being seen can mean the visit is over sooner. Discussing your goal of reducing stress for your nervous dog with the receptionist can ensure that you're scheduled for the right time.

Prepare Online

Before you bring your dog to the vet, you need to see what preparations should be done at home. Filling out paperwork in the waiting room can add more time to the visit and leave your dog around other dogs that could add to their nerves.

An easy way to solve this is to fill out as much information prior to your appointment as possible. Forwarding medical history and filling out medical forms online can ensure the receptionist has all your information once you've arrived.

Since you want your dog to be comfortable when you visit the vet, you need to be realistic about the preparations to make. By considering the above tips and the difference they can make for your upcoming visit, you'll help your dog get the care they need. 

Contact your vet for more information about veterinary services


18 July 2022